
Kocosports Marketing Web Services:
Affordable Online Advertising with Kocosports

Kocosports offers an unmatched affordable online advertising program to communicate your marketing message to the Combat Sports & Fitness fan base. Our loyal and dedicated fans stay connected with their favorite Wrestling, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and Boxing programs and the latest in Combat Sports and Health & Fitness news through the Kocosports website.

Affordable Online Advertising Rates:


The following guidelines must be met when advertising on Kocosports:

  1. Kocosports does not allow advertising for Tobacco Products.
  2. Ads must not contain adware/spyware, activeX, exit pops or viruses.
  3. Ads must not include vulgarity, dismemberment, sexually explicit content or illegal activities.
  4. Ads must not be designed to mislead users into going to a site that is unrelated to content of the ad.
  5. Ads must not resemble system dialogue boxes, error messages, etc.
  6. Ads must not employ rapid or “strobing” animation of any graphic, copy, or background element(s)
  7. All ads must open a new browser window when clicked.
  8. Kocosports reserves the right to reject or discontinue any advertisement for any product or service.
  9. Kocosports reserves the right to make changes and/or exceptions to these guidelines at any time.
In addition to the standard ad specs (i.e. file size, animation, etc) all Flash ads must adhere to the specific coding guidelines noted below;

  • Flash versions 5, 6, 7 & 8 supported (ads published as Flash 8 must function correctly in Flash 6 and higher)
  • Frame rate = 18 fps max (12 fps preferred)
  • Flash ads can contain animation upon mouse-over as long as it stops with mouse-off
  • Macromedia recommended “clickTag” method to track clicks for flash ads must be used. This method uses variables to pass the click tracking string and URL into the Flash creative movies. As a result, the only text in the URL box is _level0.clickTag. Be careful of the capitalization on clickTag. The _level0. (underscore level zero period) is included to ensure Flash can properly locate the variable. It should appear as follows;
on (release)

{ getURL(_level0.clickTag, “_blank”); }

  • Per our requirements, the target window for the click through URL must be set to “_blank” to launch a new browser window.

In addition to the standard ad specs (i.e. file size, animation, etc) all HTML ads must adhere to the specific coding guidelines noted below;

  • Ads must be live/active at the time of submission
  • Ads should not contain nested tables, cascading style sheets, flash fragments, “mailto” tags, or divs
  • Frame rate = 18 fps max (12 fps preferred)
  • Do not include <HTML>, <META>, <HEAD>, <TITLE> or <BODY> tags
  • FORM and TABLE tags should be as follows: <FORM><TABLE> </TABLE></FORM>
  • Forms tags must use “get” in the method
  • Client-side image maps only

Online Advertising: Plan. Implement. Succeed.
Let Kocosports show you how. Fill out the form Below to get Started.

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Online Advertising with Kocosports.

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